第 4 课 补充讲义
- 群签名动机及电路: https://0xparc.org/blog/zk-group-sigs
- circom 中的默克尔树: https://github.com/semaphore-protocol/semaphore/blob/main/packages/circuits/tree.circom
- snarkjs电路编译过程
- 补充阅读
- 无效器: https://semaphore.appliedzkp.org/docs/guides/identities
- 拒绝/透露: https://0xparc.org/blog/zk-group-sigs
- QuinSelector/IsZero: https://hackmd.io/@gubsheep/S1Hz96Yqo
Materials covered in today's lecture:
- Group signature motivation and circuits from https://0xparc.org/blog/zk-group-sigs
- Merkle trees in circom from https://github.com/semaphore-protocol/semaphore/blob/main/packages/circuits/tree.circom
- snarkjs circuit compilation process
- Steps convered in https://github.com/iden3/snarkjs
- Diagram and resources in https://zkiap.com/snarkjs
- With additional time
- Nullifiers in https://semaphore.appliedzkp.org/docs/guides/identities
- Deny/reveal from https://0xparc.org/blog/zk-group-sigs
- QuinSelector / IsZero from https://hackmd.io/@gubsheep/S1Hz96Yqo
简单的 zkSNARK 签名方案
: 选择一个随机密钥 和对应的公钥 :给定消息 和密钥 ,输出签名 :给定消息 、签名 和公钥 ,验证签名是否有效
我们可以仅使用哈希函数和 zkSNARKs 构建一个简单的数字签名!
A digital signature corresponds of the following functions:
: selects a random secret key and corresponding public key : given a message and secret key , outputs a signature : given a message , a signature , and a public key , verifies if signature is valid
We can build a simple digital signature with just a hash function and zkSNARKs!
include "circomlib/poseidon.circom";
template SecretToPublic() {
signal input sk;
signal output pk;
component poseidon = Poseidon(1);
poseidon.inputs[0] <== sk;
pk <== poseidon.out;
include "circomlib/poseidon.circom";
template SecretToPublic() {
signal input sk;
signal output pk;
component poseidon = Poseidon(1);
poseidon.inputs[0] <== sk;
pk <== poseidon.out;
对于 sk = 5, pk = 19065150524771031435284970883882288895168425523179566388456001105768498065277.
template Sign() {
signal input m;
signal input sk;
signal input pk;
// verify prover knows correct sk
component checker = SecretToPublic();
checker.sk <== sk;
pk === checker.pk;
component main { public [ pk, m ] } = Sign();
template Sign() {
signal input m;
signal input sk;
signal input pk;
// verify prover knows correct sk
component checker = SecretToPublic();
checker.sk <== sk;
pk === checker.pk;
component main { public [ pk, m ] } = Sign();
证据本身变成了签名! 您可能会注意到消息从未受到限制; 这不会破坏可靠性! 您可以在 https://geometry.xyz/notebook/groth16-malleability 查看更多详细信息
The proof itself becomes your signature! You may notice the message is never constrained; this does not break soundness! You can see more details at https://geometry.xyz/notebook/groth16-malleability
验证证据以及 pk 和 m 的公共输入,以验证此 zkSNARK 签名。
You need to verify the proof along with the public inputs of pk and m to verify this zkSNARK signature.
:为组中的每个成员选择一组随机的秘密密钥 和相应的公钥 : 给定消息 和密钥,输出组签名 :给定消息 、组签名 和组 ,验证签名是否来自组
Let's say there are
: selects a random set of secret keys and corresponding public keys for each member of group → : given a message and secret key, outputs a group signature : given a message , a group signature , and the group , verifies if the signature came from the group
我们拥有与以前相同的 KeyGen,只是我们为组中的每个成员生成了
We have the same KeyGen as before, except we generate
GroupSign 群签
template GroupSign(n) {
signal input sk;
signal input pk[n];
// even though m is not involved in the circuit,
// it is still constrained and cannot be
// changed after it is set.
signal input m;
// get the public key
component computePk = SecretToPublic();
computePk.sk <== sk;
// make sure computedPk is in the inputted group
signal zeroChecker[n+1];
zeroChecker[0] <== 1;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
zeroChecker[i+1] <== zeroChecker[i] * (pk[i] - computePk.pk);
zeroChecker[n] === 0;
template GroupSign(n) {
signal input sk;
signal input pk[n];
// even though m is not involved in the circuit,
// it is still constrained and cannot be
// changed after it is set.
signal input m;
// get the public key
component computePk = SecretToPublic();
computePk.sk <== sk;
// make sure computedPk is in the inputted group
signal zeroChecker[n+1];
zeroChecker[0] <== 1;
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
zeroChecker[i+1] <== zeroChecker[i] * (pk[i] - computePk.pk);
zeroChecker[n] === 0;
和以前一样,证据本身就是我们的签名! 我们可以通过输入组的消息和公钥来验证它。 使用 GroupSig(5)
和密钥 5 进行验证的示例是:
Just as before, the proof itself is our signature! We can verify it by inputting the message and public keys of the group. An example that will verify with GroupSig(5)
and secret key 5 is:
"pk": ["19065150524771031435284970883882288895168425523179566388456001105768498065277", "1", "2", "3", "4"],
"m": "1"
"pk": ["19065150524771031435284970883882288895168425523179566388456001105768498065277", "1", "2", "3", "4"],
"m": "1"
使用 Merkle 树的更大的组
以前的解决方案需要输入所有公钥作为输入,这对于较大的组来说可能会变得笨拙。 相反,我们使用默克尔树,它只需要输入 log(n) 个元素来证明成员资格:
include "circomlib/poseidon.circom";
// if s == 0 returns [in[0], in[1]]
// if s == 1 returns [in[1], in[0]]
template DualMux() {
signal input in[2];
signal input s;
signal output out[2];
s * (1 - s) === 0;
out[0] <== (in[1] - in[0])*s + in[0];
out[1] <== (in[0] - in[1])*s + in[1];
template MerkleTreeInclusionProof(nLevels) {
signal input leaf;
signal input pathIndices[nLevels];
signal input siblings[nLevels];
signal input root;
component mux[nLevels];
component poseidons[nLevels];
signal hashes[nLevels+1];
hashes[0] <== leaf;
for (var i = 0; i < nLevels; i++) {
mux[i] = DualMux();
mux[i].in[0] <== hashes[i];
mux[i].in[1] <== siblings[i];
mux[i].s <== pathIndices[i];
poseidons[i] = Poseidon(2);
poseidons[i].inputs[0] <== mux[i].out[0];
poseidons[i].inputs[1] <== mux[i].out[1];
hashes[i+1] <== poseidons[i].out;
root === hashes[nLevels];
component main { public [ leaf, root ] } = MerkleTreeInclusionProof(15);
include "circomlib/poseidon.circom";
// if s == 0 returns [in[0], in[1]]
// if s == 1 returns [in[1], in[0]]
template DualMux() {
signal input in[2];
signal input s;
signal output out[2];
s * (1 - s) === 0;
out[0] <== (in[1] - in[0])*s + in[0];
out[1] <== (in[0] - in[1])*s + in[1];
template MerkleTreeInclusionProof(nLevels) {
signal input leaf;
signal input pathIndices[nLevels];
signal input siblings[nLevels];
signal input root;
component mux[nLevels];
component poseidons[nLevels];
signal hashes[nLevels+1];
hashes[0] <== leaf;
for (var i = 0; i < nLevels; i++) {
mux[i] = DualMux();
mux[i].in[0] <== hashes[i];
mux[i].in[1] <== siblings[i];
mux[i].s <== pathIndices[i];
poseidons[i] = Poseidon(2);
poseidons[i].inputs[0] <== mux[i].out[0];
poseidons[i].inputs[1] <== mux[i].out[1];
hashes[i+1] <== poseidons[i].out;
root === hashes[nLevels];
component main { public [ leaf, root ] } = MerkleTreeInclusionProof(15);
"root": "12890874683796057475982638126021753466203617277177808903147539631297044918772",
"leaf": "1355224352695827483975080807178260403365748530407",
"siblings": [
"pathIndices": [
"root": "12890874683796057475982638126021753466203617277177808903147539631297044918772",
"leaf": "1355224352695827483975080807178260403365748530407",
"siblings": [
"pathIndices": [
The previous solution required inputting all of the public keys as inputs, which can get unweildy with larger groups. Instead we use a Merkle Tree, which only requires inputting log(n) elements to prove membership: